This is especially for all those copy-cats out there who keep on trying to form what they are not. Omo you don't need to try to be another person cause in spite of your best efforts, you will just come off as fake. When you give in to comparison, a lot of shit happens (depression, inferiority complex and the likes). So here are the five reasons:-
1. Everyone is different: One of the most important reasons not to compare yourself with others is that everyone is different! People have different personalities, mannerisms, innate talents, physique and a lot of other things. You'll never be exactly like someone else, so why compare yourself to someone who is different from you?
2. You Can't change yourself: Well there are some things you can change; like if you like someone else's hair, you can go and dye yours, if you envy someone else's body, you can get plastic surgery. But envy doesn't stop at the surface. If you are jealous of someone's personality because they are more extroverted than you, or jealous of someone's intelligence because they are smarter and more successful than you, it's all really pointless. You can't change those things, because they are what make you you!.
3. You will never be content: Contentment is different from happiness, because while happiness is circumstantial, contentment is consistent and comes from the inside. Once you stop comparing yourself to others, you can focus on how awesome you and your life are, then find true contentment!
4. It's a waste of time and energy: Honestly, who has time to sit around getting jealous of someone else? It takes time and energy to compare yourself to others, and you have so many better, healthier, and more important things to do with your life!
5. There's always someone: yeso! there is always someone better and always someone worse than you. No matter how pretty you are, there is always going to be someone prettier. No matter how smart you are, there will always be someone smarter. At the same time though, you are that “someone” to someone else. It’s pointless to rank and compare everyone, because there will always be “someone”!
So go ahead and live your own life and do away with that envy, comparison and fakeness. Be yourself; your very best self.
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